Suç Gelirlerinin Aklanmasının ve Terörün Finansmanının Önlenmesine Dair Yeni Tedbirler Alındı 25.12.2024 tarihli ve 32763 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan çeşitli yönetmelik ve tebliğler ile (Değişiklik Yapan Mevzuat) suç gelirlerinin aklanmasının önlenmesi mevzuatında önemli düzenlemeler yapıldı.
Değişiklik Yapan Mevzuat kapsamında aşağıdaki düzenlemeler getirildi:
Elektronik Tebligat Yönetmeliği’nde (E-Tebligat Yönetmeliği) Yapılan Değişiklikler Değişiklik Yapan Mevzuat kapsamında yapılan düzenlemeler aşağıda özetlenir:
Değişiklik Yapan Mevzuat kapsamında yapılan düzenlemeler aşağıda özetlenir.
Değişiklik Yapan Mevzuat kapsamında yapılan düzenlemeler aşağıda özetlenir:
MASAK Tedbirler Yönetmeliği’ndeki değişikliklerin tam metnine buradan, Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu Genel Tebliği’ndeki (Sıra No:19) değişikliklerin tam metnine buradan, E-Tebligat Yönetmeliği’ndeki değişikliklerin tam metnine buradan, MASAK Uyum Yönetmeliği’ndeki değişikliklerin tam metnine buradan, Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu Genel Tebliği’ndeki (Sıra No:5) değişikliklerin tam metnine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. |
New Regulatory Measures Taken for Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Significant legislative amendments to the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism regulations were introduced and published in the Official Gazette dated 25.12.2024 and numbered 32763 (Legislative Amendments).
The Legislative Amendments are summarized below: · Medium, large and very large-scale electronic commerce intermediary service providers are included within the scope of the regulation to the extent of their transactions with electronic commerce service providers. · In crypto asset transfers, it is made obligatory to include at least one of the information used to identify the originator, the name and surname, the title of the legal entity registered in the trade registry, the full name of other legal entities and entities without legal personality (Identity Information), the ledger address, the reference number related to the transaction in the absence of a ledger address (Ledger Information), address or place and date of birth or customer number, citizenship number, passport number, tax identification number in the messages regarding the crypto asset transfer transaction of TRY 15,000 and above mediated by crypto asset service providers. · In crypto asset transfer messages, Identity Information and Ledger Information regarding the beneficiary are included, but verification of this information is not mandatory. · In crypto asset transfer messages under TRY 15,000, Identity Information and Ledger Information of the originator and beneficiary are included, but verification of this information is not mandatory. · The beneficiary’s crypto asset service provider is authorized to reject transfers from the originator’s crypto asset service provider, limit the transactions with the provider in question or to terminate the business relationship if the missing information is not provided. · In line with amendments to Financial Crimes Investigation Board General Communiqué (Serial No:19), crypto asset service providers facilitating the trading or custody of privacy-focused crypto assets are prohibited from using remote identification methods for transactions involving such assets. In continuous business relationships, identity verification can be conducted without face-to-face interaction; however, it is mandatory to verify customers’ identity information through the Identity Sharing System.
The Legislative Amendments are summarized below:
Amendments to the Financial Crimes Investigation Board General Communiqué (Serial No: 5)
The Legislative Amendments are summarized below:
You may access the full text of the amendments to the MASAK Measures Regulation here, amendments to the Financial Crimes Investigation Board General Communiqué (Serial No:19) here, amendments to the E-Notification Regulation here, amendments to the MASAK Compliance Regulation here, amendments to the Financial Crimes Investigation Board General Communiqué (Serial No: 5) here. |
Yazı: Av. İlayda Salkım ve Stajyer Avukat Zeynep Beyza Bulgurcu – Erdem&Erdem
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